  • Flexi-N SI Only


    Flexi-N is a coated urea product designed for mixing with superphosphate for spreading in a single application.

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  • Lucerne Mix + TE


    Lucerne Mix + TE is used in relation to the harvesting of Lucerne. This is because harvesting results in the removal of large quantities of nutrient, with potassium removals being greatest.

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  • N-Protect S™


    N-Protect S ™, an ideal Nitrogen and Sulphur boost for pasture production in autumn and spring. Providing the opportunity for urea to be applied in conditions where losses of N through volatilisation can be reduced economically.

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  • Potassium Chloride


    Potassium Chloride is a cost effective straight quick release potassium source, which can be used for both capital and maintenance applications. It is mainly used for pastoral, cropping and other chloride tolerant crops.

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  • Sulphur Super 15


    The Sulphur Super range can be used in a maintenance role where topdressings are infrequent, or a capital fertiliser role where the sulphur requirement is significantly higher than the phosphate.

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  • Sulphur Super 20


    The Sulphur Super range can be used in a maintenance role where topdressings are infrequent, or a capital fertiliser role where the sulphur requirement is significantly higher than the phosphate.

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  • Sulphur Super 30


    The Sulphur Super range can be used in a maintenance role where topdressings are infrequent, or a capital fertiliser role where the sulphur requirement is significantly higher than the phosphate.

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  • Urea


    Urea is a manufactured organic compound consisting of uniform white granules. It has the highest quick release nitrogen (N) content of any solid fertiliser available in New Zealand.

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  • Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN)


    CAN is commonly used on fruit, process and vegetable crops. It can be considered as near-neutral in its effect on soil pH - and therefore can be used on soils that have a low pH without lowering further.

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  • Adoption and progression at Haldon Station: the heart of the Mackenzie


    The ability to grow grass under pivot irrigation has been a game changer for Haldon Station in South Canterbury’s Mackenzie Country.

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  • Less is more in the Bay of Plenty


    Despite decreasing their fertiliser spend, Fraser and Katherine McGougan have maintained production and improved pasture health on their 150ha Willowvale Farm in eastern Bay of Plenty.

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  • Super with nitrogen a proven performer


    Superphosphate should be a firm favourite for farmers searching for greater flexibility from their annual fertiliser programme.

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  • Forestry offers balancing solution to livestock emissions


    Forestry, pastoral livestock farming and their supply chains are complements.

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  • Preserving profits a balancing act


    Intentionally reducing the amount of feed eaten might feel counter-intuitive to most farmers aiming to preserve or grow their farm’s profitability.

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  • Getting more strategic with your N at Wi Pere


    When you’re managing 6,000 effective hectares and 60,000 stock units over a wide range of hill and flat country, tools to help you farm smarter not harder are a welcome addition to the business. A team of 16 runs the three farms that make up the Wi Pere Trust’s agribusiness, which consists of two breeding farms and one finishing farm. The man who has led that team for 17 years is Tim Rhodes.

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  • Regenerating New Zealand pastoral agriculture


    I have worked in agricultural research and development in the area of nutrient cycles (soil/plant/animal) for over 40 years and in that time have also seen cycles of interest both from farmers and non-farmers in the way farming in New Zealand should be conducted. From biodynamic to organic, ecological to biological, conventional to industrial, all have their proponents and their detractors. The latest one that has fired people’s imaginations is regenerative agriculture.

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  • Cropmaster 20


    Cropmaster 20 is a cost effective fertiliser providing readily available nitrogen in the ammonium form, while the phosphate and sulphate content is similar to that found in Superphosphate.

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  • From farm to furniture: adding value to strong wool


    At the small windswept costal settlement of Ākitio, south-east of Dannevirke, a generational farming family is embracing a new direction for their crossbred wool by supplying New Zealand-owned manufacturer Big Save Furniture. Ravensdown visited the Ramsden family on the iconic Moanaroa Station to find out how their wool is transitioning from farm to furniture.

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  • System changes at Skovland Farm


    A succession of three summer droughts and a sodden winter in the past four years helped to confirm a more sustainable approach to farming the land was right for Skovland Farm at Ashley Clinton.

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    ARL SAMPLE SUBMISSION TOOL – TERMS OF USE (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],

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