Bulk Material Intake

Bulk raw materials and imported fertilisers are transferred to the fertiliser works storage sheds by belt conveyor from ships berthed at the Ravensbourne Wharf, or they arrive by road transport from other locations. These other locations include other Ravensdown stores within the South Island, as well as alternative local ship berthing locations in Port Chalmers and Dunedin. 

The unloading of raw materials or fertiliser from the ships berthed at the Ravensbourne Wharf is effected by grabs utilising ship mounted cranes. The ship's cranes are operated by contracted stevedores. The grabs are owned and maintained by them. On rare occasions, the ship's own grabs are used. The grabs transfer the material from the ship's holds to wharf-mounted hoppers. From the hoppers the bulk materials are conveyed by belt conveyors to the appropriate onsite storage buildings.  

When receiving bulk materials by road transport, a road intake system is utilised. This road intake is located within one of the storage buildings. The material is tipped off the truck and a front end loader transfers it into a feed hopper from where it is conveyed by belt conveyor to join the same intake conveyor system utilised for ship unloading at the Ravensbourne Wharf, and hence to storage.