Price from:
$958 .77 MT
Direct debit price
Excludes gst, and freight & handling charges


N 18.8
P 10.0
K 0.0
S 12.0
Mg 0.0
Ca 0.0
  • Rebateable
  • Blend of fertmark registered products
Cropmaster 20

Product Description

Cropmaster 20 is a 50:50 blend of DAP and Ammonium Sulphate.  These components all have similar particle size (2-4mm diameter) which minimises segregation during transport and spreading.

DAP can vary from light brown to black while ammonium sulphate varies from reddish brown to white granules. ​

Why Use Cropmaster 20

  • Provide N (18.8%), P (10%) & S (12%) for field crops, greenfeed brassicas, sheep, beef and dairy pasture
  • A cost effective product providing readily available N in the ammonium form
  • Commonly used in cropping situations where potassium is not required

Safety Information

Caution When Mixing

Although Cropmaster 20 generally mixes well with other products, it is not compatible with the following:

Superphosphate, Sulphur Super 30 and Magnesium Oxide

Cropmaster 20  can be compatible with the following under certain circumstances:

Dry Lime

Segregation may occur when mixed with product with differences of particle size.

Refer Compatibility Chart.

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Product Sizes available

  • Bulk
  • 20 kg
  • 500 kg
  • 1000 kg

Delivery Options

  • Pickup


Important Information


    Provide nitrogen (19.3%), phosphate (10%) & sulphur (12.5%) for field crops, greenfeed brassicas, sheep, beef and dairy pasture

    A cost effective product providing readily available nitrogen in the ammonium form, with phosphate & sulphur similar to that in Superphosphate

    Commonly used in cropping situations where potassium is not required

    Cropmaster 20 is cost effective, providing readily available nitrogen, phosphate and sulphate with good spreading and flow characteristics. Because all Cropmaster products contain nitrogen, correct calibration of application equipment is important.

    Cropmaster products are blends - they are made up of separate granules of each different nutrient. In compound fertilisers like the Nitrophoska Products range each granule contains all the different nutrients. For this reason blended fertilisers are usually a lot cheaper than compound products.

    As long as the granules in the blend are of a similar size (as they are in the Cropmaster range) the is usually little difference in the performance of a compound compared to a blend. However, in some intensive production situations (e.g horticulture) small differences can be important and it may more beneficial to use a compound.​

  • USES

    Cropmaster 20 is a cost effective fertiliser providing readily available nitrogen in the ammonium form, while the phosphate and sulphate content is similar to that found in Superphosphate. Cropmaster 20 was originally designed for spring cereal cropping. However, it has a range of other uses such as greenfeed brassicas, maize, grass re-establishment, and pasture for hay/silage. Often used in cropping situations where potassium is not required.

    The high sulphur levels in forage brassica crops obtained from Cropmaster 20 may result in animal health problems. If a Cropmaster fertiliser is required for brassica production, choose one of the low sulphur products, e.g. Cropmaster DAP, 9, 11, 13, or 18.


    Cropmaster 20 flows faster through a drill or spreader than super based products. It is important to calibrate your equipment.  As Cropmaster 20 contains ammonium sulphate, it is important to ensure rates are not too high for the crop with which it is to be used.  To minimise the risk of seed germination injury application rates with seed need to be watched (see below).

    As with most solid fertilisers, Cropmaster 20 can be stored over a season as long as it is kept in a cool, dry, well ventilated area. Store bags in a dry place ensuring they are tightly sealed.

    Also, clean drills and spreaders after use to avoid corrosion.

    Spring cereal sowing 180-375kg/ha, Autumn grass seed 125-200kg/ha, greenfeed brassicas 150-250kg/ha, sowing new grass 100-180kg/ha if drilled.  Where more than 200 kg/ha being applied, the balance should be broadcast.  Clover seeds are extra sensitive to contact with Cropmaster 20.  If direct drilling, lower the fertiliser rates to <90 and <125kg DAP/ha for clover and cereals, respectively.


    125-250kg/ha to boost pasture growth, 150-300kg/ha on hay/silage paddocks at closing, provided soil potassium levels are adequate.  If soil potassium levels are low use Cropmaster 15.

    Actual spreading rates will vary according to farm type, climate, productivity and soil type.  Soil testing and fertiliser plans are available to ensure you use the right product at the correct rate.  Call our Customer Centre for information.

    100-125 grams per tree at planting (applied in a spade slot about 15cm away from the tree), sidedressing (e.g. shelterbelts) if required.