
All bulk materials on site are stored indoors within covered storage buildings. There is a network of internal belt conveyors (the Intake system) that allows the materials to be transferred and poured into the selected storage location.  

Phosphate rock is typically stored within the ‘Rock Stores’ located on the seaside of the site. Sulphur is typically stored within the ‘Sulphur Store’ adjacent to the Sulphur Melting plant, also located on the seaside of the site. Imported fertilisers such as ammonium sulphate, diammonium phosphate, potassium chloride and granulated fertilisers are typically stored in the ‘High Analysis Stores’ on the landside of the site. Superphosphate fertiliser that is manufactured on site is typically stored in the ‘Super Store’ on the landside of the site.  

In order to manage stock, bulk materials are on occasion stored in different locations than is typical and are relocated within the site using front end loader. Off site storage is also utilised as and when required. Bagged materials (1 tonne, half tonne, or 20 kilogram bags) are stored in the ‘Bag Store’ at A Despatch. 

There are four large sulphuric acid storage tanks located on the site. Three tanks are located within a bunded area adjacent to the sulphuric acid plant, each with a 500 tonne capacity. The fourth tank is located within a bunded area near to the superphosphate manufacturing plant and has a 2000 tonne capacity. These storage tanks are connected to the production processes via a piping network; pumps are utilised to transfer sulphuric acid within this network as required to manage storage and production. Each storage tank has a breather vent that is open to air.