Proxy Rules for Ravensdown Annual Meeting

If you are not able to attend the Annual Meeting in person but wish to be represented by proxy, please complete and return this form by no later than 12.00 noon, Monday 23 September 2024. A Proxy can also be appointed online by going to

Your proxy does not need to be a shareholder of Ravensdown.

Appointing the Chairman as your proxy

  • If you wish, you may appoint “The Chairman” as your proxy.
  • The Chairman will be Chairman of the Ravensdown Board or, if he cannot attend the meeting, the director to whom he has delegated the role of Chair of the Annual Meeting.
  • The Chairman intends to vote all discretionary proxies in favour of the relevant resolutions.

Voting of your holding

  • Direct your proxy how to vote by making the appropriate election in respect of the resolutions. If you return this form without directing the proxy how to vote on the resolution, the proxy may vote as he/she thinks fit or abstain from voting.
  • If you make more than one election in respect of the resolutions your vote will be invalid on the resolution.
  • If the Proxy Form is returned duly signed by a Shareholder with voting instructions included, but without specifying a person that is appointed as proxy, the Chairman is deemed to be the proxy for the purpose of that form, but only to vote to the extent of the voting instructions provided.

Corporate Shareholders attending the meeting

A corporation which is a Shareholder may appoint a representative to attend the Meeting on its behalf in the same manner as it could appoint a proxy. A proxy does not need to be a shareholder of Ravensdown

Signing instructions for proxy forms

Individual - This Proxy Form must be signed by the shareholder or his/her/its attorney duly authorised in writing.

Joint Holding - In the case of a joint shareholding, this Proxy Form may be signed by either, or on behalf of, the joint shareholder (or their duly authorised attorney), including where the shares are held by the trustees of a trust or a partnership.

Power of Attorney - This Proxy Form and the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed, or a copy of that power or authority certified by a Solicitor, Justice of the Peace or Notary Public

Corporate Shareholder - In the case of a corporate shareholder, this Proxy Form must be signed by a director or a duly authorised officer acting under the express or implied authority of the shareholder, or an attorney duly authorised by the shareholder.