
Please contact our Customer Centre for pricing information 0800 100 123

Product Description

Ready-to-sow mix containing Avatar NEA2 tetraploid perennial ryegrass, Raider NEA2 diploid, perennial ryegrass, Demand white clover and Mantra large leaf white clover.

HP Pinnacle Mix

Physical Description

Ready-to-sow mix containing Avatar NEA tetraploid perennial ryegrass, Raider NEA2 perennial ryegrass, Demand white clover and Mantra large leaf white clover.

Why Use HP Pinnacle Mix

A combination of highest performing, high energy, animal-safe, diploid and tetraploid ryegrasses, plus a medium leaf and a large leaf white clover, designed to enable highest performance from livestock.

Endophyte NEA Insect Tolerance Argentine stem weevil, Black beetle (adult) Pasture mealy bug
Sowing Rate 25 kg/ha

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0800 100 123


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Delivery Options

  • Pickup
  • Freight to farm

Important Information


    • Enhanced pasture quality through the inclusion of high performance tetraploid and diploid perennial ryegrasses with medium and large leaved white clovers.
    • High in metabolisable energy and digestibility.
    • High livestock performance potential.
    • Animal-safe - will not cause grass staggers or heat stress.
    • High yielding across all seasons with particularly strong late winter and early spring growth providing feed when most needed.
    • Ideal for hay or silage production.

    Suitable for both dairy and sheep and beef systems, the combination of tetraploid ryegrass quality with diploid ryegrass durability, both protected by NEA endophyte, along with medium and large leaved white clovers provides high yielding high quality feed year round.


    Make sure you are using the correct endophyte for your needs. Endophytes provide insect tolerance against the following pests:

    GrubOUT® U2
    Agrentine stem weevil, black beetle (adult and larva), black field cricket, grass grub (larva), porina caterpillar, and root aphid.

    Argentine stem weevil, pasture mealy bug.

    Argentine stem weevil, black beetle (adult), pasture mealy bug, porina caterpillar, and root aphid.
    Can cause grass staggers in sheep and deer.

    Argentine stem weevil, black beetle (adult), and pasture mealy bug. Limited tolerance to root aphid.

    Argentine stem weevil, black beetle (adult), and pasture mealy bug. Limited tolerance to root aphid.

    Standard/high endophyte
    Argentine stem weevil, black beetle (adult), and pasture mealy bug. Limited tolerance to root aphid.
    Can cause grass staggers in all livestock.

    Low/nil endophyte
    No insect tolerance.