
Please contact our Customer Centre for pricing information 0800 100 123


Trace Elements
  • Rebateable
Cobalt Sulphate

Product Description

​A red or rose coloured powder, crystal or small granule.

Why Use Cobalt Sulphate

• Cobalt supplement for the prevention and treatment of cobalt deficiency
• Suitable for oral daily drenching, addition to the drinking water, foliar application (preferably with a suitable sticking agent) or application with fertiliser


​98% Cobalt Sulphate Heptahydrate - 21% elemental cobalt

Caution When Mixing

Cobalt Sulphate is compatible with the same range of fertiliser products as potassium chloride. Care is required not to mix with well granulated compound fertilisers where the finer salt particles will segregate during transport and spreading.

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Product Sizes available

Delivery Options

  • Pickup


Important Information

  • Application rates and usage

    An initial capital application of 375g/ha applied in the late spring. Timing is important as pasture cobalt levels remain elevated for only 6-8 weeks, therefore applications should occur in the spring. Cobalt takes at least a month to get into herbage through the fertiliser so to ensure adequate levels have been reached in the herbage, test the herbage 4-6 weeks after application. After several years of capital applications, maintenance rates can be generally reduced to 250g/ha annually.

    Foliar Application
    Application of Cobalt Sulphate as a foliar spray at 120-240 g/ha can be more effective than cobalt applied in fertiliser on soils with higher manganese levels. Again the duration of effectiveness is limited and timing is crucial. Two spray applications of 120 g/ha will give greater protection than a single larger application. It can also be applied at the same rate to pasture that is due to be cut, or has just be cut, for hay, silage or baleage. Foliar application should be done in the spring or early summer, as these are the periods of peak requirement by the animals.

    Animal Health
    Cobalt Sulphate can be administered as an oral drench, through the drinking water (via an in-line dispenser, added to the central water supply or added directly to the water trough) or added to supplementary feed. For dose rates please consult your animal health adviser.

  • Compatibility and precautions

    Cobalt Sulphate is compatible with the same range of fertiliser products as potassium chloride. Care is required not to mix with well granulated compound fertilisers where the finer salt particles will segregate during transport and spreading.

    Animal Health
    Cobalt Sulphate can be mixed with most other oral nutritional animal health products. It is soluble in water so can be administered through the drinking water.

  • Packaging Features

    20kg or 25kg bag or cardboard box.

  • Storage and handling

    Cobalt Sulphate is mildly irritant, so care should be taken to avoid contact with eyes. Store in a cool, dry covered facility and ensure that the bag is closed properly after use.