
Please contact our Customer Centre for pricing information 0800 100 123

Product Description

​Contains 200g/litre of MCPB and 200g/litre bentazone as the sodium salt in the form of a soluble concentrate.

Why Use Pasture Guard® Elite

  • Clover friendly for broadleaf weed control in  new pasture.
  • Controls many hard to kill weeds, eg chickweed, cress, nettles, spurrey & storksbill.
  • Provides better control of phenoxy resistant seedling thistles and buttercups.


​200g/L MCPB (sodium salt)
200g/L Bentazone (sodium salt)

Mode of action: Group 4 + 6

Regulatory Information

  • Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No P8376
  • EPA approval No HSR000374
  • Agrecovery

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To order this product contact the customer centre and place your order.

0800 100 123


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Product Sizes available

  • 20 L

Delivery Options

  • Freight to farm
  • Ravensdown pickup point

Works Better With

Important Information


    ​Pasture Guard Elite is clover safe making it suitable for very young pastures containing seedling clovers.

    Provides control of certain broadleaf weeds that are difficult to control with MCPB including: chickweed, cleavers, mayweeds, nettle, spurrey, storksbill twin cress and willow weed.

    Pasture Guard Elite provides better control of seedling buttercups and thistles where phenoxy herbicide resistance is suspected.


    Pasture Guard Elite is a selective herbicide with contact and systemic activity. It is mainly taken up by the leaves, so weeds must have germinated before spraying. Pasture Guard Elite works best when weeds are small (seedlings) and actively growing after several days of warm humid weather. Pasture Guard Elite must be used with sufficient water to ensure that all foliage of the target weeds is thoroughly covered. Use a minimum of 300L of water per hectare.

    The addition of a non-ionic surfactant such as widespread® 1000 at label rates will assist spray coverage and retention, but should only be used when specified in the label. DO NOT use a surfactant when spraying peas.


    Pasture Guard Elite has two active ingredients.

    MCPB is taken up by the leaves and translocated to the growing points. Plants that are susceptible to MCPB convert MCPB to MCPA, which accumulates in the growing points and disrupts cell division and growth. Plants such as clover and peas do not make this conversion, so are unaffected by MCPB.

    Bentazone is absorbed mainly by the foliage and inhibits photosynthesis in susceptible plants. Legumes such as clover and peas are not susceptible to bentazone.


    • Keep out of reach of children.
    • Store in accordance with NZS8409 Management of Agrichemicals.
    • Store in the original container tightly closed in a locked, dry, cool area away from foodstuffs, fertilisers and seeds.
    • Stores containing 1000L of Pasture Guard Elite are subject to signage and secondary containment, more than 1000L require emergency response plans.
    • Please refer to the product label for product handling and storage details.


    When stored appropriately this product should show no significant degradation for two years from the date of manufacture. Contact your supplier for further information about the use of any product that is older than this.


    Add the required amount of Pasture Guard Elite to the partly filled spray tank with the agitation system running. Complete filling before adding any surfactant (if required), and maintain agitation throughout mixing and application. Do NOT add a surfactant unless specified in the Directions for Use.

    Do NOT mix Pasture Guard Elite with any other herbicide, fungicide, insecticide, plant growth regulator or foliar fertiliser.


    When applying to new pasture, ensure clovers have at least 2 trifoliate leaves and weeds are small (2-6 leaf) and actively growing. Ensure there is at least 50% ground cover. It there is not sufficient ground cover there is a risk of clover damage from root uptake. Do not graze treated pasture for 7-10 days after application to give the chemical a chance to work.



    40 x 20Lt per pallet.