
Please contact our Customer Centre for pricing information 0800 100 123

Product Description

​Off-white liquid.

Why Use Inspire®

  • Strobilurin fungicide with broad spectrum protection in many arable crops.
  • Up to 6 weeks disease control and prevention.
  • Ideal in tank mixes with Triazole fungicides such as Fortify®.


​250 g/litre azoxystrobin in the form of a suspension concentrate.

Mode of action: Group 11

Regulatory Information

  • Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No P8573
  • EPA Approval No HSR100559
  • Agrecovery

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To order this product contact the customer centre and place your order.

0800 100 123


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Product Sizes available

  • 10 L

Delivery Options

  • Freight to farm
  • Ravensdown pickup point

Important Information


    ​Inspire is a strobilurin fungicide that provides control of a broad spectrum of diseases in a wide range of crops.

    Inspire has long lasting activity, providing disease control for up to 6 weeks.

    Inspire enhances green leaf area retention that can contribute to yield increases.

    Inspire is an ideal tank mix partner for triazole fungicides such as Fortify® in wheat, barley and ryegrass seed crops.

    Compatible with most commonly used fungicides and insecticides.

    Effective against major diseases including:

    Wheat - stripe rust, leaf rust, speckled leaf blotch, powdery mildew, Didymella, glume blotch and ear disease complex
    Barley - scald, net blotch, leaf rust, powdery mildew, Ovularia (Ramularia) and Late season head disease complex
    Ryegrass - crown rust and leaf rust


    • Inspire is best applied as a preventive during mid-crop development.
    • Best results will be achieved with good coverage of the treated crop.
    • Apply with a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare for ground application and 50 litres of water per hectare for aerial application.
    • Use higher water rates in dense or advanced crops, especially under dry conditions.


    Inspire contains azoxystrobin, a strobilurin fungicide with systemic translaminar, protectant and anti-sporulant properties. Azoxystrobin inhibits fungal respiration. Its mode of action is different from the action of other fungicidal groups. It should always be used in mixture with fungicides with other modes of action.


    2 x 10L packs per Outer (box).


    • Keep out of reach of children.
    • Store in accordance with NZS8409 Management of Agrichemicals.
    • Store in original container tightly closed in a locked, dry, cool area, well ventilated away from foodstuffs, fertilizers and seeds.
    • Stores containing 1,000L of Inspire® are subject to signage.
    • More than 1,000L require emergency response plans and secondary containment.
    • Please refer to label for specific handling and storage details.


    When stored appropriately this product should show no significant degradation for two years from the date of manufacture. Please contact your Ravensdown Account Manager, or the Customer Centre on 0800 100 123, for further information about the use of any product that is older than this.


    • Shake the closed Inspire container well before use.
    • Add the required amount of Inspire to the spray tank partly filled with water and maintain agitation through filling and spraying or restarting after a stoppage.
    • Add any tank mix products last.
    • Do not leave the spray mix in the sprayer overnight
    • Can be tank mixed with most commonly used fungicides, and insecticides.
    • Observe the use directions on the label of mixture partners before applying.
    • Each product should be added to separately to the bulk of the water in the spray tank while filling while maintaining agitation​