
Environmental Policy  

1. Background 

The principle of responsible environmental stewardship underpins: 

  • our partnerships with customers and shareholders 
  • our strategy - interconnecting productivity and environmental sustainability 
  • our commitment to Te ao Māori and intergenerational stewardship of the environment 

Our commitment to the environment is a guiding principle in every aspect of our business planning and development and defines us as ‘the chosen environmental partner’ for all our stakeholders. 

2. Purpose 

The purpose of this policy is to set out Ravensdown’s commitment and approach to environmental management and stewardship, provide direction for the integration of environmental considerations across the organisation and foster a culture where all of our people assume responsibility for managing impacts on the environment.

3. Policy Objectives 

The key objectives of this policy are to: 

  • engender a culture of environmental stewardship (kaitiakitanga), resilience and responsibility 
  • continually improve environmental performance across all our sites 
  • honour our company commitment to meet carbon reduction targets and, in doing so, contribute to New Zealand’s international obligations 
  • clearly set expectations for our company operations, as set out in the Code of Business Conduct, and our suppliers, as set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct. 

Environmental Management 

As a commercial enterprise Ravensdown will: 

  • work to prevent pollution, reduce emissions, and ensure that discharges are at lowest practicable levels, consistent with sound operation and the economics of production 
  • comply with relevant environmental legislative requirements through the acquisition of resource consents for activities on Ravensdown owned and operated sites (where needed) and comply with conditions of resource consents 
  • comply with permitted activity standards where resource consents are not required; and 
  • fulfil other non-statutory environmental obligations where they result in environmental improvements e.g., promotion and implementation of on-farm Good Management Practice and compliance with the Code of Practice for Fertiliser Nutrient Management. 

Commitment to Shareholders 

We will work with farmers and growers through the provision of science, technology, products, and people to: 

  • help them minimise the impacts of their farming activities on the environment; and 
  • build intergenerational sustainability and stewardship into their soil and pasture-based farming systems. 

Climate Change 

We will contribute to 1.5° aligned carbon reduction targets (reduce scope 1 and 2 by 50% of 2018 levels by 2030, and scope 3 by 50% by 2035) through all commercial decision-making including procurement and investment decisions. 

Engagement and Education 

As ‘the chosen environmental partner’ we will: 

  • require all employees to prevent pollution and to seek to enhance the environment in the course of their work activities 
  • develop awareness and understanding among the company’s employees of the interactions between the environment and the company’s activities 
  • be a good neighbour, caring for the communities and environment in which we live, work, and operate 
  • build and strengthen relationships with mana whenua to share knowledge and to uphold our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi; and grow our understanding of te ao Māori as it relates to kaitiakitanga (guardianship) of the natural and physical environment.

4. Scope 

This policy applies to: 

  • all Ravensdown owned and operated sites; and  
  • the provision of tools and technologies to shareholders, including the provision of support and advice to implement those tools and technologies to improve on-farm environmental outcomes. 

5. Responsibilities 


Who must comply with the policy? All Employees 
Who is responsible for ensuring this policy is implemented and followed?  All Business Managers, Senior Leadership team and CE
Who is responsible for the development and high-level monitoring of this policy? Chief Environment & Sustainability Officer 

6. Related Documents and Information 

This policy should be read in conjunction with the following: 


Internal Policy/Guidelines 

Related documents

7. Policy Endorsement 

This policy has been approved and endorsed by the policy owner through an auditable process and does not require a physical signature on this copy to be endorsed.