  • The Experts

    Too much supplementation for too little benefit

    5 August 2020

    We need to be smarter with our assessment of mineral advice (especially trace minerals) and more efficient at supplementing.

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  • The Experts

    Regenerating New Zealand pastoral agriculture

    5 August 2020

    I have worked in agricultural research and development in the area of nutrient cycles (soil/plant/animal) for over 40 years and in that time have also seen cycles of interest both from farmers and non-farmers in the way farming in New Zealand should be conducted. From biodynamic to organic, ecological to biological, conventional to industrial, all have their proponents and their detractors. The latest one that has fired people’s imaginations is regenerative agriculture.

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  • The Experts

    Integrating Māori values with environmental solutions

    5 August 2020

    Dr Selai Letica, talks about why the shift to Māori values is happening and why it matters.

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  • The Experts

    Catch crops creating win:wins

    5 August 2020

    Canterbury and Southland farmers are proving catch crops are a valuable addition to the suite of tools farmers have available to reduce their winter forage grazing environmental footprint whilst increasing profitability.

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