  • Advice

    Lightly salted: Taking Coastal Lamb® to the world

    5 August 2020

    Southwest of Whanganui there’s an enterprising farming family who’ve made waves in the culinary world with their coastal-raised lamb. Victoria O’Sullivan talks to Ravensdown shareholder Richard Redmayne about Coastal Lamb, the business he and wife Suze have built, supplying lamb to exclusive restaurants across the world.

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  • Advice

    Challenges farmers face

    30 July 2020

    Coming out of the Covid lockdown, and not to mention drought for much of the country, there are many challenges that farmers face. How those challenges all interact with one another is a challenge in itself.

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  • Advice

    Taking control with easy ordering

    28 May 2020

    The Greensill Puniho Road Farm is a 90ha dairy farm, with 260 cows producing 450kg of milk solids on a pasture-only diet. Loren Greensill takes us through her approach to nutrient management.   

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  • Advice

    Winter Maintenance important for quality and persistence of Lucerne

    26 May 2020

    Lucerne is a high-quality feed that can be grazed, cut for baleage/silage or taken as hay several times over the season. With its deep root system, it has proven itself as a more drought tolerant feed source in the drier regions of New Zealand.  

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