  • Advice

    Don’t put off pasture maintenance

    2 April 2021

    Winter is a time when weeds can germinate and establish in pastures, particularly if the pasture has been stressed by drought, insect damage, overgrazing or pugged during wet conditions.

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  • Advice

    Leadership in disruption

    15 February 2021

    In a world of rapid change and disruption, visible and effective leadership provides both an anchor to stabilise conditions and a compass to provide direction.

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  • Advice

    N-loss precision drives Waikato dairy operation’s vision

    25 January 2021

    For Waikato dairy farm consultant Paul Lawrey, precision is a word he circles back to often in conversation, particularly when it comes to on-farm nutrient use.

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  • Advice

    Test to build the best view

    6 November 2020

    In recent times, farm nutrient inputs and outputs have had a spotlight placed squarely on them. There is a requirement to be efficient, measured and accountable in nutrient use within farming, both from an environmental and a farm business perspective.

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