  • Ammo 36™


    Ammo 36™ applied in the late winter will see pasture receive the necessary nitrogen and sulphate for the upcoming spring season for optimal pasture growth for dairy production.

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  • Ammo-Phos MAP


    Ammo-Phos MAP is used for Hycrop pea fertiliser mixes, potatoes and in some regions forage brassica crops. It can also be used in base fertiliser mixes formulated for crops such as cereals and maize.

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  • Avocado Regular Mix + TE


    Avocado Regular was designed to provide all the nutritional requirements for an avocado tree in one mix. The potassium contained within the mix is all potassium sulphate therefore is safe to be used on Avocados which are chloride sensitive.

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  • Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN)


    CAN is commonly used on fruit, process and vegetable crops. It can be considered as near-neutral in its effect on soil pH - and therefore can be used on soils that have a low pH without lowering further.

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  • Cropmaster 11


    Ravensdown's Cropmaster range includes cost-effective fertilisers which are of high quality resulting in good spreading and flow characteristics. There is a wide range of blends available.

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  • Cropmaster 13


    Ravensdown's Cropmaster range includes cost-effective fertilisers which are of high quality resulting in good spreading and flow characteristics.

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  • Cropmaster 15


    Cropmaster 15 was originally designed for cereal cropping. However, it has a range of other uses including maize, grass re-establishment, and pasture for hay/silage.

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  • Cropmaster 16 High K


    Ravensdown's Cropmaster range includes cost-effective fertilisers which are of high quality resulting in good spreading and flow characteristics.

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  • Cropmaster Brassica + Boron


    Cropmaster Brassica + Boron is a high analysis fertiliser providing the two most essential elements for brassica production, nitrogen and phosphate. The addition of potassium is for environments where soil potash levels are low to moderate.

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  • Cropmaster DAP


    Cropmaster DAP is a cost-effective compound product, containing readily available nitrogen and phosphate. DAP granules have good spreading and flow characteristics.

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  • Flexi-N SI Only


    Flexi-N is a coated urea product designed for mixing with superphosphate for spreading in a single application.

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  • Lucerne Mix + TE


    Lucerne Mix + TE is used in relation to the harvesting of Lucerne. This is because harvesting results in the removal of large quantities of nutrient, with potassium removals being greatest.

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  • N-Protect S™


    N-Protect S ™, an ideal Nitrogen and Sulphur boost for pasture production in autumn and spring. Providing the opportunity for urea to be applied in conditions where losses of N through volatilisation can be reduced economically.

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  • Potassium Chloride


    Potassium Chloride is a cost effective straight quick release potassium source, which can be used for both capital and maintenance applications. It is mainly used for pastoral, cropping and other chloride tolerant crops.

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  • Sulphur Super 15


    The Sulphur Super range can be used in a maintenance role where topdressings are infrequent, or a capital fertiliser role where the sulphur requirement is significantly higher than the phosphate.

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  • Sulphur Super 20


    The Sulphur Super range can be used in a maintenance role where topdressings are infrequent, or a capital fertiliser role where the sulphur requirement is significantly higher than the phosphate.

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  • Sulphur Super 30


    The Sulphur Super range can be used in a maintenance role where topdressings are infrequent, or a capital fertiliser role where the sulphur requirement is significantly higher than the phosphate.

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  • Urea


    Urea is a manufactured organic compound consisting of uniform white granules. It has the highest quick release nitrogen (N) content of any solid fertiliser available in New Zealand.

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  • Adoption and progression at Haldon Station: the heart of the Mackenzie


    The ability to grow grass under pivot irrigation has been a game changer for Haldon Station in South Canterbury’s Mackenzie Country.

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  • Less is more in the Bay of Plenty


    Despite decreasing their fertiliser spend, Fraser and Katherine McGougan have maintained production and improved pasture health on their 150ha Willowvale Farm in eastern Bay of Plenty.

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