  • The Experts

    Apply less. Lose less.

    12 November 2019

    Sharemilkers Ben and Heather Peake farm 800 dairy cows on Simon and Carolyn  Spencer Bowers seven year old conversion (East Claxby) just north of the Waimakariri River, and are starting to make traction in getting the farm’s soil to maturity to hold its nutrients and water better.

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  • The Experts

    Grubs causing significant yield gaps

    7 November 2019

    AgResearch and Ravensdown have estimated the cost of grass grub damage on pasture yields in Canterbury at around $1.8 million annually.

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  • Environment

    Water intent supported while practical concerns remain

    5 November 2019

    Nutrient management and environmental experts Ravensdown have delivered their submission to the government’s discussion document on “Action for healthy waterways.”

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  • Research and Innovation

    No single silver bullet in fight against phosphate loss

    21 October 2019

    In New Zealand’s soils, phosphorus does a great job at growing plants but unfortunately it does the same thing if it makes it into our water. Once this dissolved phosphate is in surface water, it assists in growing the wrong plants such as oxygen-depleting algae that starve other organisms.

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