  • The Experts

    Unintended consequences of environmental solutions

    13 February 2020

    New Zealand agricultural systems are already very efficient by global standards and compare well with the developed world. However, if globally we want to continue to feed the world with the least impact environmentally then it is important to have the lowest footprint per unit of food and to maintain the investment in technology to reduce this footprint. To do otherwise simply has a worse global environmental outcome.

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  • The Experts

    The nuts and bolts of change

    11 February 2020

    Hummingly, internationally recognised resilience and wellbeing trainers, recently deployed their unique “Resilience Genie” tool with Ravensdown staff. They share their set of methods that empower people to deal with stress, uncertainty and pressure.

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  • The Experts

    The foundation of life

    11 February 2020

    On his 34th birthday, Sunday afternoon, dairy farmer Wayne Langford was bed ridden. Something that had become quite a common theme in his life. Wayne, now famously known as YOLO (You Only Live Once) Farmer, via his social media movement to live every day as if it’s his last, has generously shared his story about how he overcomes the black dog that is depression.

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  • The Experts

    Five ways to wellbeing

    10 February 2020

    Over the last four years, 15,000 farmers have reported an improvement in their wellbeing after participating in the Farmstrong programme. We catch up with the team at Farmstrong to find out how the nationwide rural wellbeing initiative helps farmers and their families cope with the ups and downs of farming.

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