  • The Experts

    Nitrogen key weapon in drought recovery

    1 April 2020

    Yet another dry summer has hit many parts of New Zealand and while we have not had enough rain in the drier areas to alleviate the effects, the climate has moved from a hot dry summer to autumnal conditions reasonably rapidly.

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  • The Experts

    Getting smarter at growing grass

    17 February 2020

    Trewithen is a 288ha farm with 1,100 cows in New Plymouth and is owned by the Faull Family from Waitara. In his third season, sharemilker James Barbour takes us through the farm’s approach to nutrient management.

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  • The Experts

    Ground Effect - Autumn 2020

    14 February 2020

    We’ve reached our 10th edition of Ground Effect and there’s no sign of a shortage of smarter farming stories!

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  • The Experts

    Turning alternative proteins into opportunity

    14 February 2020

    Dr John Penno has set up an alternative protein company, Leaft Foods, which works with the farming system to provide alternative income opportunities. He shares the concept with Ravensdown and his thoughts on the future of food production.

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