  • The outlook for glyphosate


    Farmers will no doubt have been reeling from the price of glyphosate recently, which was caused by multiple but interrelating factors. On top of this, the world’s most widely used herbicide is under intense scrutiny here and overseas.

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  • Better Bags - Terms and Conditions


    Better Bags - Terms and Conditions (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],

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  • Getting your spring pasture covers right


    Managing pasture surpluses or deficits throughout spring is key to maintaining quality and persistence going into summer, says Ravensdown Agronomist Tim Russell. The trick, he says, is to get your pre-grazing and post-grazing covers right.

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  • Garry Diack appointed new Ravensdown CEO


    Ravensdown has announced Garry Diack as its new CEO, replacing Greg Campbell who has held the position at the farmer-owned co-operative for the past eight years.

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  • Support for new Fertmark auditing rules


    Ravensdown strongly supports the drive of the Fertiliser Quality Council (FQC) to ensure all enhanced fertilisers are verified under the Fertmark scheme and calls for more disclosure on all imported and coated products. When the conditions are right, urease inhibitor coatings on standard urea have an important role to play in reducing the loss of nitrogen to atmosphere and keeping more N available to the plant.

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  • Hemp: The superfood solution


    Superfood hemp ticks all the boxes for Ravensdown shareholders Ngāti Kahungunu ki Tāmaki nui-a-Rua, based out of Dannevirke. Its vision is to create jobs, care for the environment and provide healthy foods for the whānau (family).

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  • Ravensdown appoints National Agronomy Manager


    Ravensdown has appointed Will Waddell as its new National Agronomy Manager. Will’s responsibility will be enhancing the co-operative’s service in seeds, agrichemicals and agronomic advice.

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  • Ravensdown helps kick off Climate Leaders Coalition


    Ravensdown is one of 60 leading New Zealand businesses whose CEOs have signed a commitment to measure and publicly report their greenhouse gas emissions and work with suppliers to reduce their emissions.

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  • Sustainable Business Council welcomes Ravensdown


    Farmer-owned co-operative Ravensdown is the latest company to join the Sustainable Business Council. Our company provides nutrients and advice to the food creation sector so that farmers can reduce their environmental impact and optimise value from the land.

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  • The halal effect


    I am often asked about halal processing in New Zealand, and why, as a small nation in the South Pacific, we have invested in developing processing expertise and practices in line with specific religious requirements.

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  • Regenerative Agriculture: insight or soundbite?


    Regenerative Agriculture: insight or soundbite? (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],

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  • Plant Testing

    We have a range of plant analysis suites that will provide information essential to measuring and managing the health and productivity of your pasture, crops and animals.

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  • Regrassing - getting it right


    Successful regrassing relies on the right preparation of paddocks and selection of seed. The following is a timely recap of best practice for autumn regrassing, and the release of compelling trial data for Avatar, the best performing winter perennial ryegrass in New Zealand, is a must read for milk producers.

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  • The cost of getting soil fertility wrong


    Although many people on the planet are willing to pay more for New Zealand produce, productive land to grow that food and fibre is becoming unavailable here in our own backyard.

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  • Women in a new age of farming


    At first glance, farming might appear like a way of life that is as old as the hills. But when you look closer, it is clear that farming is a modern profession – and one that is certainly not stuck in the mud.

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  • Napier ‘21 Consent


    This is a dedicated place for reference materials and helpful content on the process of renewing consent at Ravensdown’s Napier manufacturing facility. We are committed to an open and transparent engagement process.

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  • The holy grail of N testing


    It is often said that the search for the perfect soil nitrogen test is somewhat like searching for the Holy Grail! However, we might be getting closer with the development of a new soil test known as the PMN test (Potential Mineralisable Nitrogen), which estimates the ability of a soil to supply nitrogen (N) for crop growth.

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  • Single super is clever choice for future carbon target


    Single superphosphate (SSP) is a proven, low-emission choice of fertiliser that could help get more farms closer to New Zealand’s carbon neutral target by 2050.

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  • Why herbage testing?


    New Zealand’s competitive advantage in pastoral farming is grounded in our ability to grow vigorous clover-based pastures. Spring is the time to ascertain whether nutrient supply by the soil and uptake by the herbage can support vigorous growth. Herbage testing complements soil testing by showcasing nutrient availability and is the better measure for trace elements. Together the two will provide a better overall picture of a farm’s nutrient status than either used alone.

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  • New Zealand’s carbon soil stocks: what do we know?


    New Zealand has on average 90 tonnes per hectare of carbon (C) stored in its soils, which by world standards is high (Table 1 opposite). Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research soil scientist and research area leader Dr Paul Mudge discusses why soil carbon stocks are important and where we sit on the world spectrum when it comes to the carbon levels in our soils.

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