
Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Sustainable Business Council welcomes Ravensdown


Farmer-owned co-operative Ravensdown is the latest company to join the Sustainable Business Council. The company provides nutrients and advice to the food creation sector so that farmers can reduce their environmental impact and optimise value from the land.

“We’re committed to helping farmers reduce their environmental impact and just as determined to tackle our own,” said Greg Campbell Ravensdown’s Chief Executive.  “We can achieve this by working with and learning from other New Zealand organisations that are leading in this area and this is why the Sustainable Business Council exists.” 

The co-operative employs 750 staff, operates three main manufacturing centres in Napier, Dunedin and Christchurch, seven lime quarries and 87 stores throughout the country. The company makes imports, stores and applies food-creating nutrients on behalf of its 24,000 shareholders.

Greg Campbell added, “our own operations and those of our customers, who are growing quality food for humans and animals, are massively dependent on natural resources such as air, water and soil. Because we also impact on those resources, we need to assess and improve how we put these resources to use.”

“From a carbon footprint point of view; freight, power usage, waste management are all big issues for us. The social aspect is also vital and includes being seen as a top employer by our staff and doing our bit for the community.”

Sustainable Business Council executive director Abbie Reynolds says it is great to have a major player in the New Zealand agricultural sector like Ravensdown join the council. “We’re really looking forward to working with Ravensdown - helping them go further with their sustainability and share their experiences with other like-minded Kiwi companies.”

“We’d be encouraging others in the agri-sector to join because sustainability is so important when it comes to farming. We’ve all got an important part to play in the long-term stewardship of precious natural resources,” concluded Greg.