
Monday, 22 July 2019

Ravensdown takes big picture view on new carbon target


Declaring its first ever carbon target, Ravensdown is including the footprint of the products it supplies. The farm nutrient and environmental experts have calculated and committed to the 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target, to make a start on contributing to New Zealand’s Paris Agreement obligations. 

“We’re committed to doing our part to mitigate climate change, support New Zealand emissions reduction targets and honour our Climate Leaders Coalition commitments,” said Greg Campbell, Ravensdown’s Chief Executive. 

As a founding member of the Climate Leaders Coalition, Ravensdown has committed, along with many other New Zealand businesses, to report carbon emissions publicly, to set a reduction target consistent with keeping within 2°C of warming, working towards 1.5°C, and to work with suppliers to reduce their emissions as well.

Ravensdown Sustainability Manager Allanah Kidd explained that following its first carbon footprint completed last year, the company now has a good understanding of its emissions profile to be able to set realistic initial science-based carbon reduction target of 15% across its core 2018 emissions by 2030.

“This is our first step in responding to climate change,” said Allanah. “We are committed to starting on this journey and setting meaningful and realistic targets that we can act on. Our initial analysis tells us that a 2°C target is achievable, and we will review that regularly as the science and capability develops to further pursue efforts to limit to 1.5°C, in line with the Paris Agreement.

“Our primary focus is on reducing direct emissions from our operations with big areas of opportunity for us being electricity and fleet management and fuel use in manufacturing. However, we also have huge scope to influence emissions from our indirect carbon footprint, with 99% of our greenhouse gas inventory being made up of indirect emissions (upstream and downstream). Major opportunities for us to impact these reductions will be with international shipping suppliers and customers on-farm fertiliser application. That’s why we have also set an initial reduction target of 5% for these indirect emissions and we encourage others to do the same.

The 5% reduction equates to 64,618 tCO2e, in comparison to 15% of our own emissions which is 2,378 tCO2e.

Recently returning from presenting to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable Business Council Executive Director Abbie Reynolds says it is great to have a major player in New Zealand’s agricultural sector such as Ravensdown make their commitment public and commit to reporting its progress.

"All sectors have a part to play in reducing New Zealand's emissions, and companies such as Ravensdown can make a big difference not only by reducing their own emissions, but also by using their purchasing power to influence wider emissions reduction."

Ravensdown Chief Executive Greg Campbell says the commitment is a first step in taking action on climate change that is in line with the company’s purpose to enable smarter farming for a better New Zealand.

“We’ve all got an important part to play in the long-term stewardship of our precious natural resources. As we get to grips with what we can achieve in this space we will adapt and improve our targets and reporting. Driving environmental efficiencies is smart business and our staff are right behind it. They see it as an important part of working for a company with good intentions and doing its bit for the community and the environment,” concluded Greg.

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