
Thursday, 13 June 2019

Susan Murray wins the Ravensdown Agricultural Communicator of the Year award


Radio New Zealand’s Country Life producer and presenter Susan Murray has been named the 2019 Ravensdown Agricultural Communicator of the year.

The award, presented last night at Mystery Creek Fieldays, recognises people making a significant contribution to communicating agricultural issues, events and information.

Susan has worked on the popular farming-based radio programme for more than two decades, bringing a wealth of agricultural knowledge to the show and building a greater public understanding of the practical and technical aspects of farming life in New Zealand.

New Zealand Guild of Agricultural Journalists and Communicators president Elaine Fisher said Susan’s win is justly deserved as, over many decades, she has helped build awareness and understanding of the practical and technical aspects of farming life in New Zealand.

“Through Country Life and her other ventures, Susan has effectively communicated the diverse lives of farmers. Her grassroots knowledge and intimate broadcasting style engages not only rural audiences, but also those who are from urban environments.

Susan’s vast knowledge of New Zealand’s primary industries is evident through her broadcasts and she has an unrivalled ability to communicate the essence of each subject and what it means to the interviewee and the listener. Her recording and production skills create programmes which set a scene with background sounds, that are engaging, entertaining and informative.

The prestigious award was recognition of her balanced and insightful approach to issues affecting the country’s largest economic earner.

Presenting the award, Ravensdown’s Bryan Inch praised Susan’s constructive communication.

“We acknowledge all those who are out there listening and communicating within and beyond the agri-sector. I grew up listening to Country Life and, over the years, Susan has brought us closer to the personalities and passion of the rural landscape.”

As the 33rd winner of the Ravensdown Agricultural Communicator of the Year award, Susan receives a $2500 cash prize from Ravensdown alongside the pounamu trophy.

“A lot has changed in the 20 years I have been involved with Country Life. But the programme still allows non-farming people to learn about the sector in a non-threatening and accessible way,” said Susan.