
Wednesday, 20 September 2017

New partnership with Agri-Women’s Development Trust


Ravensdown has joined forces with the Agri-Women’s Development Trust to promote changes across the primary sector.

Initiatives run by the trust include a leadership and governance programme that is open to women in the rural community who apply before 30 September 2017.

Lindy Nelson, Executive Director of the Agri-Women’s Development Trust, says picking strategic partners is not something the organisation takes lightly.

"The key benefit for us in working with such a progressive company as Ravensdown is that we share the same aspirations and values.

“Our purpose is to equip women with the skills and confidence to establish change in the primary sector, on the global stage. Our focus is on the planet, profit, people and progress. We see Ravensdown as a vital partner in this.”

“Effective leadership is about diversity in decision-making and an important part of that is empowering women in the sector and improving their professional skills. This is why we chose to partner with such a visionary and progressive organisation as the Agri-Women’s Development Trust.

“We believe in enabling smarter farming and we know the people in our industry are at core of this, so this partnership is a logical extension. It will benefit rural communities, which in turn is better for New Zealand.” Lindy adds that the Trust’s vision is to remove the need for AWDT.

“In 30 years’ time, we may not need to exist if we can achieve 100 percent capability and empowerment in the sector. This is only possible with our strategic partners at our side – empowering kiwi women to lead on the world stage in making meaningful change to economic, social and environmental progress.”