
Monday, 4 September 2017

Environmental Report, 2017


Download your copy of our Operations Environmental Report 2017

Measuring the difference

As a farmer-owned co-operative, we believe in the power of smarter farming to improve environmental outcomes, strengthen communities, deliver prosperity and ultimately lead to a better New Zealand.

The way we enable smarter farming is by helping farmers reduce their environmental impact and optimise value from the land. So there is an expectation among our farmer-owners as well as from neighbours, regulators and other members of the community that we are ‘walking the talk’ when it comes to our own environmental impact.

That’s why we’ve been producing an environmental report like this since 2001. These reports are about stating the facts, measuring performance, identifying progress and setbacks. Our drive for transparency and stakeholder engagement takes many forms and you can also take a look at our integrated report on the website to see how we are tracking on other fronts. The eventual goal is to integrate environmental metrics with our other priority areas into one report format.

Impact of operations

This report deals with our manufacturing operations, fertiliser stores and lime quarries. We use consistent measures to track our environmental performance at our three superphosphate manufacturing sites in order to identify trends and rectify any shortfalls.