
Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Fertiliser for lifestyle blocks


Nutrients are continually being recycled through dung and urine; death and decay of plant materials; and through removal of crops and stock. It is important that essential nutrients are replaced. This is done primarily through fertiliser application.

Deciding what nutrients to put on your lifestyle or small holding may seem daunting, but we are here to help.​

Soil Testing with ARL

For the best results, and to determine what nutrients are missing in the soil, the first step is to soil test. We have a range of soil analysis suites that will provide information essential to measuring and managing the health and productivity of your soil, crops and animals.

  • Establish the status of soil nutrients.
  • More accurately assess fertiliser and lime requirements to maximise your fertiliser dollar.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of previous fertiliser applications and fertility trends over time.

We can even provide a pastoral fertiliser recommendation (applicable to conventional dairy, sheep, beef and deer pastoral farming systems) with your soil test results.

For expert advice and to discuss your requirements, please call our Customer Centre on 0800 100 123.

Popular fertiliser options

The fertiliser and application rates listed below are a guide only.

30% Potash Super at 300kg/ha
This all-round fertiliser provides a readily available source of phosphate, sulphur and potassium. It is best applied in September or October and is suitable for horse paddocks.

Cropmaster 15 at 250kg/ha
A cost effective product providing readily available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur. Nitrogen is the most important nutrient for plant growth. It is best applied in the spring and autumn months as moisture is required to get the best nitrogen response.

Aglime at 1T/ha to increase pH by 0.1 unit
Important when it is necessary to raise soil pH. Ensuring the pH is in the optimum range of 5.8 - 6 allows most nutrients in the soil to become plant available. Aglime should be spread at 1T/ha every 5 years for maintenance.

Ammophos MAP at 175kg/ha
A good product for direct drilling with grass or crops as there is less risk of seed burn.

Cropmaster 20 at 200-250kg/ha
Can be used for establishment of permanent/clover pastures; best applied about a week after emergence, but may be spread 1-2 weeks prior.

Cropmaster DAP at 250kg/ha
Can be used for establishment of annual/no clover pastures and is best applied about a week after emergence; may also be spread just prior to planting.

Cropmaster 16 High K at 300kg/ha
Aan especially good fertiliser for use on hay or silage paddocks due to the loss of potassium in these crops. It is best applied at the time of shutting up the paddock.​