
Thursday, 23 April 2015

Cadmium facts


Cadmium is a naturally-occurring, non-essential heavy metal which is present in low concentrations in air, water and soil. Cadmium naturally occurs in phosphate rock from which phosphate fertiliser is made.

A monitoring programme run by the Ministry for the Primary Industries shows that the amount of cadmium in the diet of the average New Zealander is at a level far below that which would cause adverse health effects.

Along with the New Zealand Fertiliser Association, other industry bodies and Federated Farmers, Ravensdown works with the Ministry for Primary Industries, Ministry for the Environment, regional councils and organisations such as Fonterra, Horticulture NZ and Beef + Lamb NZ as part of the Cadmium Management Group.

The Ministry for Primary Industries maintains this information about cadmium on its website.

Further reading:

The FAQ section of the Fertiliser Association of New Zealand.
Factsheet 12 in the Fertiliser Association's series.