Grass species and cultivars 

There is a range of grass species and cultivars available, and all with strengths and weaknesses. Making a well-informed decision on what to use is important for the best outcome. 

Knowing your requirements and challenges for optimum pasture growth will help with the selection process and increase your success rate. 

Ryegrass is the main pasture grass of New Zealand, but depending on your environment and grazing systems, other options include tall fescue, grazing brome, cocksfoot or other species such as herbs (chicory or plantain) and legumes (annual or perennial clovers and lucerne). 

If a paddock is not meeting your expectations, you may need to go through a break crop to lift nutrient levels, remove problem weeds or reduce the impact of pasture damaging insects prior to sowing permanent pasture.

What we offer 

Flexible options 

You have specific characteristics you want in your pastures. We have a full range of forage options for inclusion in custom mixes. Your regional agronomy manager will work with you to sort out a plan to help achieve your forage and crop goals. 

We’ve done the thinking for you 

Our High-Performance Pasture Mixes™ suit a wide range of livestock classes, farm and soil types, and geographical regions. Each mix is designed to support you in driving performance from your farm. 

The use of optional extras allows you to use the High-Performance Pasture Mixes as a base for your pasture, and add specific forages to lift productivity, such as red clover, chicory and/or plantain. 

HP Dairy Mix HP Dairy Mix Plus HP Sheep and Beef Mix HP Dryland Mix HP Endurance Mix HP Swardmaster Mix HP Finishing Mix        

Seed Brochure

Exclusive Ravensdown Products

We can offer you products specifically designed for Ravensdown through our strong link with Cropmark Seeds, New Zealand’s only 100% New Zealand owned seed breeding company. We currently have three Ravensdown exclusive products on offer backed by trial work and farmer experiences: Blade Italian ryegrass, Raider perennial ryegrass and Dash annual ryegrass.

Agronomy Brochure