  • Foot on the gas


    Did you know that every time you apply urea fertiliser to your pastures there’s a risk that some of the nitrogen (N) in the fertiliser can be lost to the air? This process is called volatilisation.

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  • Foot on the Gas: N-Protect


    Sharemilkers Ben and Heather Peake farm 800 dairy cows on Simon and Carolyn  Spencer Bowers seven year old conversion (East Claxby) just north of the Waimakariri River, and are starting to make traction in getting the farm’s soil to maturity to hold its nutrients and water better.

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  • Water intent supported while practical concerns remain


    Nutrient management and environmental experts Ravensdown have delivered their submission to the government’s discussion document on “Action for healthy waterways.”

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  • Don’t let slug ruin your spring


    Spring usually brings favourable conditions for slugs, and we all know how devastating slugs can be to newly sown crops and pastures. It makes sense to check paddocks earmarked for re-grassing, or spring sown crops, so you can take necessary measures to manage the slug challenge.

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  • Soil testing from sky set to take off with new $2.5m investment


    A soil fertility testing initiative being developed to optimise productivity and reduce environmental impacts is being extended to other farm types – including dairy operations.

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  • Ready. Select. Grow.


    The right nutrients at the right time – with both quick and sustained release nutrients, Nitrophoska® Select ensures that your crops start strong and keep growing.

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  • Glyphosate - one of the world’s most widely used herbicide


    Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used broad-spectrum, non-selective herbicide for control of grass and broadleaf weeds.

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  • Smarter farming needs nutrient efficiency specialism


    Some tough questions are facing all those involved with food creation in New Zealand. How do we move from commodities like milk powder to niche products that consumers believe in and pay more for?

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  • Avoid the sales pitch - Choose the right ryegrass for your farm


    Choosing the right perennial ryegrass can be a daunting task when all sales reps say they have the best. They tend to avoid the important question of which is the best for you so I've put together some options you should look at when choosing your perennial ryegrass.

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  • Spot spraying weeds prolongs pasture production


    Spending a little time over summer to tidy up scattered weeds in pastures by spot spraying can pay dividends. The old saying ‘one year’s seeding makes seven years weeding’ rings true.

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  • New imaging system to transform hill country farming


    Ravensdown has partnered with Massey University to develop Hyperceptions, a provider of cutting edge hyperspectral imaging services.

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  • Science culture innovation


    A well-known hill country station in the North Island, Tautane, is part of a joint research initiative to help increase production in the primary sector in New Zealand.

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  • Robust nutrient budget


    Farmers are faced with a barrage of discussion around environmental compliance and the necessary paper work required.

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  • New Zealand hops


    As you relax with your craft beer during the holiday season, have you ever wondered where the hops in that beer come from and how they are grown?

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  • Developing land from the air


    Doug McKenzie has swapped life as a rural banker to return to the land. His family bought the two properties that now make up Patitapu Station at Alfredton in North Wairarapa, back in 2000 and 2003.

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  • Farming the Mackenzie Country


    Mackenzie Country high country farmer Andrew Hurst has not stood still since he took over the lease of two adjoining farms four years ago.

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  • What is a Nutrient Budget and a PMP?


    With the increasing pressure of environmental regulations keeping a record of your nutrient inputs and outputs is paramount. Your license-to-operate may depend on it.

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  • Drought affected farmers experiment pays off


    North Canterbury sheep and beef farmer, Hamish Murray, got more grass than he bargained for this spring when trialing liquid nitrogen and gibberellic acid.

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  • Yellowing fodder beet


    Ever wondered why your fodder beet has gone yellow? Chris Lowe, Ravensdown Agronomist, has found the cause in the aphids that transport the Beet Western Yellow Virus.

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  • Coping with El Nino


    You may be aware that NIWA are predicting an El Nino weather pattern this year. While the name El Nino means “little boy”, the dry conditions on the east coast that it creates can be pretty big.

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