  • Ammo 36 Pro


    Ammo 36 Pro applied in the late winter will see pasture receive the necessary nitrogen and sulphate for the upcoming spring season for optimal pasture growth for dairy production.

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  • Preparation pays off: assessing return on investment from applying spring nitrogen


    On the face of it, prices may make applying nitrogen to a drystock farm this spring cost prohibitive. However, when considered as an investment rather than a cost, farmers are likely to reach a different conclusion.

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  • Sorting your Certified Handler certification


    Ensuring you and your team have the correct certifications for using hazardous substances is key in ensuring everyone knows the risks, and how to protect others from harm.

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  • ClearTech and EcoPond technology show promise for tile drain situations


    Studies have shown subsurface drainage in effluent areas is a significant issue when it comes to phosphorus (P) and E. coli loss. Anne Lee investigates new research showing how ClearTech and EcoPond technology can help mitigate these losses to the environment.

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  • Tackling nutrient loss to waterways one farm at a time


    Significant and immediate reductions in nitrogen and phosphorus loss to waterways are possible if dairy farmers put good management practices into action.

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  • OPINION: ‘But wait, there’s more…’


    As the price of everything escalates, the need to reduce outgoings is real and the temptation to try something new is high.  Ravensdown Director, Dr Jacqueline Rowarth, offers her thoughts on the temptation to try something new while balancing the real need to reduce outgoings.

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  • Early spring feed gap overcome


    Combining Gibberellic Acid (GA) with liquid nitrogen (Flowfert N) helps bridge the feed gap in early spring for the Lincoln University Dairy Farm (LUDF) herd in Canterbury.

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  • New tool to measure soil mineralisable nitrogen


    The Potential Mineralisable Nitrogen (PMN) test and N mineralisation calculator are new tools to help farmers to reduce nitrogen (N) losses, save on fertiliser costs and maintain productivity.

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  • Optimising management of farmed soils


    Most holistic soil scientists understand that in terms of its substance and function, soil is a complex interaction of physical, biological and chemical properties and processes interacting with climate and human management.

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  • Massey University short courses deliver wins


    With the increased requirement for robust, professional advice around nutrient management and environmental protection on-farm, Ravensdown has made a commitment to upskilling staff in Farm Environment Plan (FEP) guidance via Massey University’s short course offerings.

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  • Is Molybdenum deficiency holding your clover back?


    With the current price pressure on fertiliser N and the N-190 restrictions now in play, it’s time to ensure your clover growth is not limited by molybdenum deficiency.

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  • An update from Overseer


    There has been significant interest in the government’s response to the peer review of Overseer and it’s fair to say the Overseer team has received a few enquiries from farmers, rural professionals and regional councils since the report’s release in August.

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  • Don’t let slugs cut your stock’s lunch


    November is a key month for establishing winter forage crops, such as kale, swedes or rape, and we all know how devastating slugs can be to newly sown crops. It makes sense to check paddocks going into winter forage brassicas, so you can take necessary measures to manage the slug challenge.

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  • Is your aerial fertiliser application as precise as you think?


    When it comes to aerial fertiliser spreading, not all solutions are created equal. In fact, the claims around precision can be exaggerated. How precise is precise? How can I be sure that my fertiliser is going where I really want it to go? How do I know the right rate is being spread at the right time?

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  • EcoPond™ - Farm Dairy Effluent (FDE) System


    Ravensdown and Lincoln University have discovered a way for dairy farmers to cut their farm’s methane emissions by about 5%. They’ve found an effluent treatment – an additive used in drinking water treatment – can mitigate over 99% of the methane produced from an effluent pond.

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  • The right rhizobia


    With farmers under pressure to reduce fertiliser nitrogen (N) inputs, a team of AgResearch scientists, supported by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, DairyNZ, KiwiNet, and Grasslanz Technology, has been investigating an opportunity to match superior strains of rhizobia with modern white clover cultivars to improve biological nitrogen fixation (BNF).

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  • Elementary essentials #4: Sulphur (S)


    The non-metallic element sulphur (S) is the 16th element in the periodic table and is one of the 19 elements essential for life in all higher plants and animals on Earth. Sulphur ranks ninth in abundance among the elements. Sulphur, after calcium and phosphorus, is the third most abundant mineral element in mammalian bodies.

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  • Frew’s Transport: keeping the wheels turning with ClearTech®


    Twenty years ago, drawing water for truck-wash was a relatively straightforward exercise for Frew’s Transport, a livestock and trucking operation based in Darfield, Canterbury.

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  • Water quality: we’re on the right track


    Our Land and Water scientists’ modelling of on-farm mitigation actions shows that if all mitigation techniques are adopted, most catchments will meet current water quality objectives by 2035.

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  • Elementary essentials #3: Potassium (K)


    The metallic element potassium (K) is the 19th element in the periodic table and is one of the 19 elements essential for life in all higher plants and animals on planet Earth. Potassium makes up about 2.6% of the earth’s crust and is the seventh most abundant element in the crust. The human body contains about 0.2% K, the eighth most abundant element in the body.

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