Congratulations! The team at Ravensdown are proud to support excellence in the farming community and we look forward to working with you. Your prize money can be put towards one of the following options; including product and services from Ravensdown or professional development.

Once you have chosen the option best suited to you, please contact the Ravensdown agri manager as per the contact information in the email you were sent.

If you have any questions or have misplaced the contact information, please contact the Events and Sponsorship Manager: 

The Ravensdown team are here to help you align your goals and future aspirations for your farm within the environmental rules and regulatory framework. With many regulatory changes happening across the country, our environmental experts can put you at ease and give you clarity on decisions you may need to make.   

The below outlines the core services our team can offer. Alternatively, you may like to use your prize money to chat to one of our consultants face-to-face and have a scope of work developed that will help you understand what environmental requirements your farm may need in the future. 

  • Farm Environment Plans (FEPs) 
  • OVERSEER® Nutrient Budgets fit for regulatory purpose 
  • Resource consent applications 
  • Environmental risk assessment and due diligence for farm sales, purchases, share farming and land lease agreements. 

This prize option will allow you to try the best of the best nutrient and agronomy products from Ravensdown. Experience our superior service and ensure your plants and soil thrive this season. 

Use your prize money to try N-Protect®, or choose either a seed or agrochemical product suitable for your farm.

N-Protect Ravensdown’s coated urea. 

N-Protect provides farmers and spreading contractors more flexibility for nitrogen fertiliser application throughout spring, summer and autumn. Studies show using the urease inhibitor nBPT can reduce volatilisation by up to 50%. 

Seed: see our website for seed product information.

Agchem: see our website for agronomy product information.

A mixture of short courses, programmes and conferences is available for you to attend with your prize money.

University Courses

Ravensdown works alongside Massey University to make the following course available.

Agri-Women’s Development Trust (AWDT)

AWDT offers a range of programmes and short courses to further your career and develop lifelong leadership skills. Find details on the courses and how to apply online here

Something Else?

The development options listed here may not be right for everyone. If you have another opportunity that will help you achieve your goals and aspirations in the agricultural space, don't hesitate to contact our Events and Sponsorship Manager:, as we may be able to help contribute to the cost of attendance.