Ravensdown has a commitment to safety and the environment. This commitment extends to all visitors to our sites.

After a period of consultation, it was clear that clarifying our expectations on vehicle/loading protocols and legal responsibilities would help protect all our stakeholders. 

We appreciate everyone is aiming for more than the minimum. But for clarity, if the following minimum standards are not complied with from 1 August 2021, then the vehicle will not be loaded. We will continue to listen to your feedback, and if appropriate the below minimum standards could be amended from time to time.

What you need to know about new Minimum Standards when picking up from your fertiliser store.

Legal requirements – vehicle owner/driver responsibilities

We expect vehicle owners and drivers will comply with all legal and regulatory aspects of owning and driving their vehicle. We will presume compliance rather than actively police the following (we will leave that to the appropriate authorities), however if non-compliance is identified, we will not load the vehicle:

  • The vehicle is registered with a current COF/WOF, unless legally exempt1.
  • Agricultural trailers have suitable, certified safety chains fitted.
  • Loads do not exceed the rated loading capacity of the vehicle2.
  • Loads are secured and/or covered3.
  • All drivers have the appropriate licence for the vehicle being driven, including Dangerous Goods where applicable.
  • Drivers must not be impaired by drugs or alcohol.

1For agricultural trailers refer to Section 77 (3) of the Land Transport (Motor Vehicle Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2011.
2As per the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions & Mass 2016 and 2019 amendments.
3As per Land Transport Act 1998; reference NZTA Truck Loading Code.

Health & Safety 

Drivers must

  • Ensure vehicles arrive on site ready to load.
  • Be inducted at the relevant site(s).
  • Remain in the cab or in a dedicated safe zone during loading.
  • Comply with site rules & traffic management plans.

All site visitors must

  • Follow instructions from site staff.
  • Wear the site specified and NZS compliant PPE.
  • Ensure children and pets remain in the cab of the vehicle AT ALL TIMES.
  • Not smoke on-site unless within a designated smoking area.
  • Follow relevant hygiene protocols.
  • Not visit our sites if you have cold or flu-like symptoms.
  • Only the driver is permitted to move between a prime mover and trailer unit.

Environmental & quality

  • Vehicle must not be overloaded (temporary “hungry boards” are not permitted).
  • The loose product must be cleared from vehicles prior to leaving the site.
  • All loose bulk loads must be covered, regardless of vehicle or bin type, with the exception of aggregates (such as track rock) where the NZTA Truck Loading Code is followed.
  • Note that purpose-built, refillable bins can be used under the following circumstances
    1. Bins are to be leak-free and built for the specific purpose of carrying fertiliser
    2. Bin sides and bases must be a single panel (eg no slatted horticultural produce bins)
    3. Bins will not be overloaded
    4. Bins will not be loaded while on the deck of a truck
    5. Bins are to be dropped off at a store for filling,
      1. The store will fill bins
      2. Bins will be loaded onto a flat deck/curtain side trailer
      3. Bins are to be safely secured and covered, following site and vehicle standard requirements
  • Spills must be cleaned up and product reclaimed and disposed of correctly. Please notify our staff if it’s on our site.
  • Vehicle bins, decks, trays and bodies, or liquid tanks, must be
    - Free of leaks.
    - Free from contamination prior to arrival on site.
    - Clean and dry.

If arriving on-site during wet weather, please ensure covers are in place prior to arrival. Staff on-site will direct you to a safe area to uncover prior to loading.