
Please contact our Customer Centre for pricing information 0800 100 123

Product Description

​White to yellow powder

Why Use Avert® 25WP

  • For the control of porina caterpillar and clover flea in pasture.
  • When used correctly it will prevent significant damage from these pests.
  • Low toxicity to humans and other mammals.


​250g/Kg diflubenzuron in the form of a wettable powder

Chemical Group 
benzoyl urea

Mode of action: Group 15

Regulatory Information

  • Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No P8356
  • EPA approval No HSR000695

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To order this product contact the customer centre and place your order.

0800 100 123


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Product Sizes available

  • 500 g

Delivery Options

  • Freight to farm
  • Ravensdown pickup point

Works Better With

Important Information


    ​Avert 25WP is a low cost option for control of porina caterpillar and clover flea in pasture 

    When used correctly it will prevent significant pasture damage from these pests 

    Because Avert 25WP only affects organisms that moult, it has relatively low toxicity to humans and other mammals 

    Avert 25WP has a convenient low use rate of 50g/ha


    Avert 25WP can be applied with conventional spraying equipment correctly calibrated to apply the correct rate of Avert 25WP in sufficient water to provide full coverage of the foliage. Do not use strainers finer than 300 microns.

    For Porina Caterpillar, Avert 25WP is best applied when the majority of caterpillars are in the late surface dwelling or early tunneling stages, before they have grown to 25mm long. This will usually be 10-12 weeks after peak moth flights. Where peak moth flights occur in spring (October-November), caterpillar tunnels can be found in January-February. Where peak moth flights occur in January – March, caterpillar tunnels can be found in May-July.

    For Clover Flea, Avert 25WP is best applied at the first sign of Clover Flea, which is usually in April – May when nymphs emerge from resting eggs. This will reduce the build up of subsequent generations in winter.

    For full information on application rates and timings please refer to the product label.


    Avert 25WP is an insect growth regulator that disrupts chitin deposition and prevents moulting of porina caterpillar and clover flea of pasture. Avert 25WP is only effective if eaten by target insect larvae. Best results will occur from application to larvae when they are small, growing rapidly and moulting frequently.


    • 20 x 500g packs per Outer (box).
    • Each 500g pack contains 10 x 50g water soluble sachets.


    • Keep out of reach of children
    • Store in accordance with NZS 8409 Management of Agrichemicals
    • Store in original container, tightly closed in a locked, dry, cool area away from foodstuffs, fertilisers and seeds


    When stored appropriately this product should show no significant degradation for two years from the date of manufacture. Please contact your Ravensdown Account Manager, or the Customer Centre on 0800 100 123, for further information about the use of any product that is older than this.


    Partly fill the spray tank with clean water, add the required amount of Avert 25WP and complete filling the tank whilst agitation to ensure that the solution is well mixed. Maintain good agitation throughout mixing and spraying. Agitate thoroughly after a stoppage and before recommencing spraying.

    Avert 25WP is compatible with most commonly used herbicides, insecticides and fungicides.