
Takaka Hill Biodiversity Group’s work is a great example of community collaboration between industry (Ravensdown’s Ngarua lime quarry), farmers and the community to protect a valuable natural area.  Takaka Hill is home to the rare karst landscape, mature sub-alpine beech forest and rimu ecosystems. Ravensdown’s site and surrounds are home to five rare tree species including the limestone kowhai and many endangered birds as well as the almost extinct giant land snail.  Ravensdown is currently contributing to this project by supplying time, resources and land, and actively managing Ravensdown-owned land within the Trust’s management area, surveying, spraying and trapping pest species and fencing.  Eco-sourcing of seeds is important to the success of habitat restoration projects, so Ravensdown will provide an area for seeds to be propagated so that they can be given the best chance of survival in the unique micro-climate that exists.  A recycling depot has also been supplied by Ravensdown for Takaka Hill residents.