
Since our sustainability framework was launched in 2019, a sustainability induction module has been added to our suite of online courses.  It defines what sustainability means at Ravensdown, explains Ravensdown’s approach, priorities and targets and describes an individual’s role in it all.  

We also have a Climate Change online training module which is updated with the latest information annually and covering the science of climate change and the latest information relating to both New Zealand and Ravensdown’s impact and actions.  Both of these modules were developed in response to staff demand. 

We undertake bespoke staff training as required on specific sustainability-related topics such as stakeholder engagement and cultural intelligence. 

Annually, we run a graduate development programme in which sustainability is a module of the programme.  It is an important part of learning about Ravensdown but also has led to great discussions about Ravensdown’s important role in New Zealand and our current progress and future plans.  Many of these individuals have the opportunity to join a group of agri managers who form a representative group to guide sustainability work as it relates to customer-facing staff.