
Sunday, 15 August 2021

Strong co-operative support


Ravensdown is pleased to share the results of its 2021 Customer Satisfaction Survey which again shows the strength of the relationship between you, our customers, and your co-operative.  

We had some great feedback on what we can do better, which we are using to guide our planning. We also received plenty of ideas for how we can continue to grow and develop HawkEye to assist with farm planning and compliance requirements which the HawkEye team greatly appreciate. 

The results of the survey have been shared across the entire organisation to celebrate what we are doing well and look at what we can do better. 

Key results from this year’s survey:

Net Promotor Score (NPS) of +39. NPS, a measure of customer satisfaction and loyalty, remains high showing you, our customers, would continue to recommend Ravensdown. It’s great to see this has grown over time, with scores of 19, 26 and 40 in the last three years.  

Advice and support from our agri managers also remain high with an average score of 77/100, a very good rating. This metric has been increasing overtime growing from 75 two years ago.  

Our Customer Centre team was also highly rated, with an overall rating of 84, a score reflecting a rating between very good and excellent. 

Product quality remains high with an average rating of very good across all our product range and a score of 75/100 

Thank you for your support.