
Wednesday, 22 June 2022

South Island Dairy Event keynote speaker - Dr Tom Mulholland


At the recent South Island Dairy Event in Oamaru, Dr Tom Mulholland gave a key note speech around the importance of you and your health.

Dr Tom Mulholland, a former GP and Emergency Department doctor has conducted over 400 pit stops around New Zealand in Dr Toms Ambulance and provided medical exams to raise awareness around blood pressure, PSA and cholesterol "know our numbers" to stay on top of our physical and mental health.

We're often aware of other numbers that happen in our life, on and off the farm, but it's time to get to know your number. You are the number one asset.

Warning: This presentation contains explicit language and themes around suicide. Viewer discretion is advised. For free help, call or text 1737 or call Lifeline on 0800 543 354.