
Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Share up for maximum benefit


Every year, as we approach the end of the financial year, Ravensdown runs a campaign to encourage new customers of the co-operative to join us as a shareholder.

Ravensdown Chair, Bruce Wills, says it makes sense to share up.

"Our long-standing shareholders will know that it’s a ‘no brainer’ to join the co-operative. For an initial investment of only $100 for 100 shares, you are on the way to building a shareholding investment which can be a nest egg for your retirement or a benefit to pass on to your children."

In years which Ravensdown pays a rebate, shareholders who have reached their shareholding quota (that’s the amount of shares you need to hold in the co-operative for the size of your farm) will receive their whole rebate in cash.

Those shareholders who have not reached their quota will receive a portion of the rebate in cash (usually one third) and the rest will be allocated to building your shares.

Bruce says that a particularly tough year last year meant Ravensdown was unable to pay a rebate, but there are other wide-reaching benefits to consider.

"As your shares build, the co-operative benefits from having increased share equity strength on our balance sheet. This helps Ravensdown provide you with the benefit of strong and sustainable supply chains, safe and efficient operations, and research and development for the future. We’re committed to a long-term partnership with our shareholding customers."

And when it comes time to retire from farming, Ravensdown will work with you to ensure your shares get passed on to the new generation, or they are surrendered to enable you to enjoy that special something in your retirement.

If you want to talk about your shareholding in Ravensdown, please contact our Customer Centre on 0800 100 123  or your local Agri Manager.