
Friday, 19 June 2020

Ravensdown Update at Level 1


New Zealand has now moved into Level 1 COVID-19 restrictions as of 11.59pm on Monday 8 June

Firstly, we would like to thank you all for working so patiently with Ravensdown, our staff and contractors over the 75 days of Covid-19 restrictions as we all adjusted to significant workplace changes at short notice. The esilience shown within the New Zealand supply chain has been amazing, and your adaptability and
acceptance of changed processes is very much appreciated.

As per the Alert Level 1 guidelines, the majority of Ravensdown staff are now transitioning back to their normal place of work. We expect most site processes to return to normal, however we have taken the opportunity over the lockdown period to review how we do things and potential new ways of working. While we continue to review these opportunities, the below changes will remain in place for the time being:

For the collection of product orders, continue to advise your store, Works or quarry site by phone prior to coming on site to collect your order. To assist in site planning, please advise your order number details at the time of calling

Where possible please stay in your cab/car unless required to get out for operational purposes (eg covering/securing loads). At all times stay within designated work or pedestrian zones.

  • Some areas you were able to access prior to Covid-19 now have permanent restrictions in
    place. Your site will have notices advising of any such changes
  • Sites will be collecting visitor details to enable contact tracing in the event of a suspected or
    known case.
  • Please check changes to any protocols with the relevant sites.
  • We ask that if any of your staff are not feeling well, they please not visit our sites.

Even though Level 1 sees the easing of most restrictions, we are still doing everything possible to keep our
staff, customers and suppliers safe while on our sites.

Our key focus under Level 1 shifts to personal hygiene and contact tracing. Our practices will be based on the
Governments 10 Golden Rules, being

The Government’s 10 Golden Rules:

  1. If you are sick, stay home
  2. If you have cold or flu-like symptoms, get tested
  3. Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands
  4. Sneeze and cough into your elbow and regularly disinfect shared surfaces
  5. If you are told by health authorities to self-isolate, you must do so immediately
  6. If concerned about your wellbeing or you have underlying health conditions, consult with your GP
  7. Keep track of where you've been and who you've seen to help contact tracing if needed
  8. Businesses should help people with contact tracing by displaying a QR code
  9. Stay vigilant
  10. Be kind to others and be kind to yourself

For more information see the government detailed Alert Level Summary Table

We thank you again for working with us during this time and look forward to ongoing collaboration as
becoming the new normal.

We will continue to review how we work in future and advise any further changes as they arise.