
Thursday, 16 February 2023

Ravensdown appoints Chief Financial Officer


We are delighted to announce that Kevin Cooney has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer at Ravensdown and will join the co-op on 20 March.

A consummate CFO with an enviable background in senior financial management and governance across the Agriculture and Finance sectors, Kevin comes to Ravensdown from Farmlands where he has been Chief Operating Officer. Prior to that he was Farmlands’ Chief Financial Officer and Group Head of Strategy.

In welcoming Kevin to Ravensdown, Garry Diack, Chief Executive Officer, said Kevin’s deep understanding of rural New Zealand and his relentless pursuit of high performance will add immense value to the Ravensdown business.

“At a time when our sector is facing pressure from right across the board, Kevin’s rural experience and commitment to the co-op ethos makes him the right person to lead Ravensdown’s financial strategy and performance.”

Kevin spent the early part of his career practicing law at leading New Zealand law firms before making the switch to Finance. He has held key leadership roles at ANZ Private Equity, Westpac Direct
Equity Investments and ASB Bank where he was National Manager for Rural Corporate.

Having held a number of directorships, Kevin has been on the board of a bee health and nutrition company since 2017.