
Friday, 11 March 2016

Ravensdown wins Partnership Award


Last night, Ravensdown won Massey University’s prestigious Partnership Excellence Award.

Vice Chancellor Steve Maharey said “The award recognises organisations that share our vision to take the best of New Zealand to the rest of the world through excellence in creativity, connections and innovation.”

Attended by 300 researchers and dignatories at a black tie event, the award profiled our contribution to science-based sustainable growth of the agri-sector.

Working with Massey since 1981, we have:

  • Funded and collaborated with leading scientists on research projects, including the current $12m PGP in partnership with the Crown.
  • Developed postgraduate professional development courses for our field staff, internal students and staff from agencies working in the agricultural sector.

Representing Ravensdown at the event Mike Manning, General Manager Innovation and Strategy said, “At a practical level, Massey graduates and alumni conduct research on Ravensdown’s behalf and often go on to work for the farmer-owned co-operative. Our staff training modules, and the certification process of nutrient management advisers is run in conjunction with Massey. As a research partner on our primary growth partnership into precision aerial spreading, Massey is working with AgResearch on developing some world-leading technologies.”

Through our trained network of Agri Managers and advisors, we have vital bridging role from cutting-edge science to the commercialised adoption of change. Without this channel, many ideas would remain elegant theories or interesting notions.