
Thursday, 2 April 2020

Essential needs delivered on farm


We understand right now that maximising feed going into winter with capacity being reduced at the works is vital to you, as is ensuring the health of your animals. Ravensdown is ready and able to deliver all your essential needs on-farm such as Dash Annual Ryegrass, fertilisers, Express gibberellic acid, animal health products and Endure slug bait to protect your investment.

Maximising autumn feed production

Dash annual ryegrass is fast establishing, very palatable to all livestock and high yielding. Dash annual ryegrass is ideal for autumn sowing. With a late heading date and high ME Dash maintains quality year round and is an ideal choice for your farm.

Dash offers very good grazing recovery and the potential to produce high quality silage, making it perfect for all livestock types.

According to national forage trials by the National Plant Breeding Association (all grass trials collated by all companies in NZ) our Dash annual ryegrass is the best. While other companies have run out, we have plenty of stock.

Boosting autumn pasture production with Express gibberellic acid and nitrogen

Research shows that combining Express with nitrogen will give you greater pasture growth. It can be applied in tank mix with dissolved urea. Many farmers use gibberellic acid to get the best pasture response from the nitrogen applied. 

Protecting your investment

Making sure your autumn-sown pastures and crops get off to a good start will be important. Slugs can be devastating, particularly in direct-drilled crops and pastures so regular monitoring for weed and pest issues is a must. Slug baits are still the most effective way of dealing with slug problems. Ravensdown has a range of herbicide options for new and established pastures - talk to your Agri Manager or call our Customer Centre for more information.

Crop walking is not so easy at the moment, but we can still give advice over the phone – some pictures can be helpful in getting a better understanding of the situation.

Boost herd health with Abamectin

Ensure your herd are given the best chance of reaching their target body condition scores this season with our Abamectin Pour On special offer.

Abamectin Pour On 5L and 20L is now available at 30% off until 15 May 2020 or while stocks last.