
Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Election Candidates 2024 – South Island Area election


Bruce Wills was the only candidate nominated for the North Island area. As a result, there will be no election for the North Island area and Bruce will remain as a director for a further three-year term.

Five candidates were nominated for the South Island area, where incumbent director, Pete Moynihan is standing down after serving 11 years in office.  All five candidates elected to participate in the new governance review process by Propero Consulting.  The presentation information for each candidate is set out below.  It includes a profile written by the candidate, a short video recording from the candidate and a one-page statement prepared by Propero summarising the candidate’s key skills and experience related to the core governance attributes for a Ravensdown director.

Cameron, Jonathan

Candidate Profile

Propero Review Statement











Davies, Simon

Candidate Profile

Propero Review Statement 











Faulks, Kate

Candidate Profile

Propero Review Statement











Jolene Germann

Candidate Profile

Propero Review Statement











McDonald, Glen

Candidate Profile

Propero Review Statement











As a result of their review process, Propero has set out below a letter scale indication of each candidate’s aptitude in the core governance attributes.  Please refer to the Candidate Handbook for more information on the Core Governance attributes which Ravensdown considers important for the role of a director Ravensdown 2024 Director Elections Candidate Information Handbook.

Voting for the election will open on Friday 23 August 2024 and election packs will be sent to all shareholders in the South Island.

Voting closes at 12 noon on Monday 23 September 2024 and results will be posted on the Ravensdown website that afternoon, with the successful candidate taking office at the Annual Meeting on Wednesday 25 September.

Ravensdown has appointed Anthony Morton of as the Returning Officer for the 2024 Director Elections. Please contact the Returning Officer with any queries by phone on 0800 666 038 or email