
Thursday, 22 November 2018

Connect, November 2018


Co-operative kicks into gear

Download your copy of Connect - November 2018

Environment is key

Ravensdown started its financial year very well with some ambitious targets being met across all the product lines, continued investment in our stores infrastructure and recruitment of more consultants to help shareholders achieve their environmental goals

Research is extended

Ravensdown’s Primary Growth Partnership programme has been extended to cover more geographic areas with the aim that the research outputs will be valid for 90% of hill country in New Zealand. The research involves aerial scanning of hill country farms combined with actual soil tests so a predictive model of soil fertility can be calibrated across the varied terrain. New additional funding has been made available by Ravensdown and the Ministry for Primary Industries on a 60:40 basis so that the North Canterbury and Southland regions can be modelled and tested.

Also in this issue

  • Stores and technology improvements
  • Agri women on way up
  • New mapping, software and robots all save time