
Monday, 4 December 2017

Connect, December 2017


Smarter farming at the heart of why we're here.

Download your copy of Connect - December 2017

P-loss tool a boon
Ravensdown has worked with Victoria University, to develop a tool that helps customers manage potential nutrient loss into waterways.

HawkEye collaboration in action 
Since signing an agreement to co-operate with Agrigate, our technical team is working on supplying a nutrient performance window in HawkEye.

New partnership builds capability 
Ravensdown has joined forces with the Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT) to promote change across the primary sector. 

Also in this issue

  • Greater nutrient efficiency
  • Ravensdown dedicated project team
  • ARL robot arm speeds through testing
  • In Brief: Items from around the traps
  • 50 years of FMG Young Farmers