
Monday, 8 May 2017

Connect, April 2017


Certainty on performance allows early rebate (again)

Download your copy of Connect - April 2017

June cash injection
For the second year running, Ravensdown is in a position to pay part of its rebate early and is returning $20 per tonne in cash to all shareholders who buy fertiliser in the year ending 31 May.

Value to count on
Our final quarter is always critical and this will impact on the remainder of remainder of any potential rebate that will be paid after the co-operative’s year end.

Storms walloping NZ
The weather is throwing a lot at us in April and this of course plays havoc with farm decisions and the spreading businesses.

Also in this issue

  • Triple win for Intellispread
  • Targetting fertiliser
  • Relationships and insights are key
  • Service boosted as team builds for future
  • In Brief: Items from around the traps
  • Dairy Industry Awards