
Thursday, 20 September 2018

Annual Meeting 2018 - Wrap Up


Our 2018 Annual Meeting was held at 6.00pm on Monday, 17 September, at Wairakei Resort, Taupo. 

Shareholders who turned up in Taupo heard about how rather than just looking at the financial picture of our year, our performance is better understood in the context of our stakeholders: the ones who impact us and the ones we have an impact upon. After all, we exist to enable smarter farming for a better New Zealand.

Smarter farming is all about reducing environmental impact and optimising value from the land. When it comes to a better New Zealand, we are part of the solution.

CEO Greg Campbell outlined how Ravensdown was helping farmers and he explained five strategic priorities:

  1. Enabled people
  2. Science
  3. Technologies and services
  4. Quality agri products
  5. Trusted and leading

This year, Ravensdown has produced an Annual Report which contains all of its financial and statutory reporting obligations, and a separate Stakeholder Review which reviews its performance in areas relevant to its stakeholders.

To view both our 2018 Annual Report and Stakeholder Review visit our interactive integrated reporting website.

Integrated reporting website