10 February 2020
The increasing requirement for improved nutrient management in soils has seen an 81% increase in soil tests ordered by farmers. Whether motivated by economics or environmental efficiencies, ARL’s soil sample numbers present a significant uptake in precision agriculture and farmer nutrient know-how.
Read article10 February 2020
Hawke’s Bay farmer Will Foley has had a bit of experience with environmental regulation. Recently elected to the Hawke's Bay Regional Council and a past Federated Farmers provincial president for Hawke's Bay, he talks about how the National Policy Statement (NPS) for Freshwater Management consultation document has been received in his neck of the woods.
Read article10 February 2020
In New Zealand’s soils, phosphorus does a great job at growing plants but unfortunately it does the same thing if it makes it into our water. Research aims to help farmers choose the right fertiliser for their type of land and apply it strategically, so it stays on the farm and out of waterways.
Read article10 February 2020
In our elementary essentials series, Ravensdown Chief Scientific Officer Dr Ants Roberts delivers the ‘skinny’ on the crucial nutrients that feed our farming systems so we can feed discerning consumers wanting safe, efficiently produced, quality foods.
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