  • Research and Innovation

    Data-rich imagery offers breakthrough for hill country farms

    3 February 2023

    Optimising production at scale is a challenging goal for farmers, especially on hill country. But highly accurate aerial imagery is delivering significant breakthroughs in achieving that goal at Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation’s (AWHI) eight central North Island stations.

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  • Advice, Research and Innovation

    Chasing carbon neutrality with the help of AirScan technology

    3 February 2023

    On Lochiel Farmlands near Pukekohe, Chief Executive Kim Robinson has been using the remote sensing technology offered by Ravensdown and Massey University’s Hyperceptions to map their vegetation and find out how close they are to carbon neutrality.

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  • Research and Innovation, The Experts

    Detailed farm scans ready for takeoff

    3 February 2023

    Imagine being able to determine the vegetation and soil nutrient status of each paddock of your farm using a set of images taken from a plane flying a few hundred meters above the ground.

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  • Environment, The Experts

    Project prepares for shifting climate

    3 February 2023

    Dr Nick Cradock-Henry did his PhD on climate change adaptation in the Bay of Plenty. He now spends a fair bit of time visiting regional New Zealand helping plan ways to adapt to climate change, leading a four-year MPI-funded project ‘Adaptation Pathways’. Since September, he has worked for GNS Science as principal scientist.

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