  • Advice

    Farming through COVID-19

    9 April 2020

    With some tweaks to the system, Parininihi ki Waitotara PKW sharemilkers Trish and Glen Rankin have kept the farm running, whilst cancelling all capitol projects.

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  • The Experts

    Good stocks as global supply adjusts to COVID shock

    8 April 2020

    When fertiliser is applied this autumn, farmers are seeing the end result of a lot of hard work behind the scenes. The steps involved in getting that nutrient on to the soil depend on an inter-connected chain that spans the globe.

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  • The Experts

    Lime key to success in spring

    8 April 2020

    Feedback from customers has been that lime is still a crucial part of keeping farms running during lock down. This is due to requirement for pastoral maintenance, capital requirements and for next season’s crops while ground conditions are still suitable for application.  

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  • Advice

    Keep control of what you’re ordering

    8 April 2020

    Hawkeye is a great way to keep everyone in the loop and keep on top of your essential nutrient applications during a pandemic. Why? Because it is a contactless system.

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