  • The Experts

    Nitrogen still worth a look

    23 April 2020

    Significant areas of pasture in both islands are now recovering slowly from summer/autumn drought. While in Southland and the West Coast pasture supply has been affected by very wet conditions. Couple this with the effects of the pandemic on slowing the ability of freezing works to process stock usually slaughtered before winter, and many farmers will be facing tight feed supplies for the next few months. The Ministry for Primary Industries has contracted farm consultants to monitor the sit

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  • The Experts

    Farming through COVID-19 Podcast

    23 April 2020

    Hear from kiwi farmers about how they are farming through COVID-19.

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  • Environment

    Ploughing on with nutrient budgets

    16 April 2020

    With consenting processes and environmental plans usually requiring a farm visit and face-to-face time going over farm maps, Ravensdown’s environmental team have had to innovate to get the job done.

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  • Advice

    Farming through COVID

    16 April 2020

    Being geographically remote in South Otago, not a lot has changed for shareholder Nigel Woodhead during the COVID-19 lockdown, though he says he has to be a bit more organised to make sure he’s got the right products and services to keep his farm running.

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