  • Advice

    N Protect – Smarter Farming

    6 August 2020

    Sharemilker Adam Williamson recently switched to N-Protect as part of meeting his commitments in Synlait’s Lead with Pride programme. The programme’s four pillars of best practice cover environment, milk quality, animal health and social responsibility, with a recent addition of emissions reductions, which has been a key driver in Adam’s decision to switch from urea to N-Protect in the shoulder seasons.

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  • The Experts

    Foot on the gas: N-Protect®

    6 August 2020

    Did you know that every time you apply urea fertiliser to your pastures there’s a risk that some of the nitrogen (N) in the fertiliser can be lost to the air? This process is called volatilisation.

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  • Advice

    Why herbage testing?

    5 August 2020

    New Zealand’s competitive advantage in pastoral farming is grounded in our ability to grow vigorous clover-based pastures. Spring is the time to ascertain whether nutrient supply by the soil and uptake by the herbage can support vigorous growth. Herbage testing complements soil testing by showcasing nutrient availability and is the better measure for trace elements. Together the two will provide a better overall picture of a farm’s nutrient status than either used alone.

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  • Advice

    Meat the need

    5 August 2020

    Have you ever heard how many people New Zealand farmers feed with what we grow here each year? It’s in the tens of millions.

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